उत्पाद सहायता में कच्ची सामग्रियों का पता लगाने की क्षमताYes
उत्पाद निरीक्षण विधिRandom inspection, According to client's requirement
सभी उत्पादन लाइनों पर किया गया गुणवत्ता नियंत्रणYes
QA/QC निरीक्षक2
व्यापार बैकग्राउंड
मुख्य मार्केटDomestic Market(70%), Mid East(10%), Western Europe(10%)
मुख्य क्लाइंट प्रकारRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use, Manufacturer
R&D क्षमताएं
कस्टमाइज़ेशन के विकल्पsample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand, sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand
R&D इंजीनियर2
R&D इंजिनियर शिक्षा स्तर2 graduate
कंपनी की समीक्षाएं (3)
4.7 /5
आपूर्तिकर्ता सेवा
समय पर शिपमेंट
उत्पाद गुणवत्ता
08 Aug 2024 06:40
The louvre panels were constructed to specification and delivered very effectively. The design was discussed and agreed in an easy and friendly manner with good responsiveness and flexibility. The whole process was very straightforward from my end. A good result overall.
Fantastic build quality. Very happy and a pelasure workign with you.
The team is very helpful and thorough with design. Precision on fabrication is fantastic as well.